Possible Duplicate:
How to use logout function on custom menu link?
I want to add a logout button at very last of my nav.. I Found a function
// functions.php
function add_login_logout_link($items, $args)
$newitems = '<li><a title="Logout" href="'. wp_logout_url('index.php') .'">Logout</a></li>';
$newitems .= $items;
$newitems = '<li><a title="Login" href="'. wp_login_url('index.php') .'">Login</a></li>';
$newitems .= $items;
return $newitems;
add_filter('wp_nav_menu_items', 'add_login_logout_link', 10, 2);
But It adds Logout button to the very start of the nav, and i want to to be displayed on very Last. (Ideally it should be float:right, as other menu items are float:left)