I have years of experience with PHP and MySQL, but just starting to develop plugins for WordPress and need some help.
Currently, I am working on a plugin that will add extra functionality to another plugin. I need to read the data stored by the original plugin and manipulate it with my plugin. So far so good, but when I open phpMyAdmin the data stored in the Original plugin table looks like this: a:2:{i:0;a:11:{s:2:"id";s:1:"1";s:7:"item_id";s:1:"1";s:4:"name";s:9:"section 1";s:5:"limit";s:1:"1";s:5:"order";s:6:"random";s:10:"difficulty";s:4:"easy";s:9:"timestamp";s:19:"2012-05-21 12:29:44";s:9: ...
Can someone tell me how to read this. How is this method for storing data called and are there guides on how to read this data with other plugins.
EDIT: After further studding the code here is what I understand
- s:2:"id";
this means: string with 2 character -> "id".
- s:7:"item_id";
this means: string with 7 character -> "item_id".
- a:4:{}
this means there will be 4 arguments between the curly brackets.
The only thing I could not figure out is that is the i:0;
Am I right with the above assumptions?
Thanks, Radi.