The favorited plugins has been added to the API. There is a new feature in 3.5 that allows you to access your favorites from the plugin installer.
See for info on how it is being used in core.
The API allows you to retrieve an object that contains contains each plugins
- name
- description
- author
- rating
- last updated date
- change log
- stable version
- works with wp version
To retrieve the object
Make a call to using wp_remote_post passing an array of arguments including the action which would be 'query_plugins' and the wp dot org username to retrieve the favorites from.
$request = wp_remote_post('', array( 'timeout' => 15, 'body' => array('action' => $action, 'request' => serialize($args))) );
Before you have a nice clean object you need to do some error handling and other parsing. Here is an example function that will return a nice clean object holding all the plugin details.
function api( $action, $args ) {
if ( is_array( $args ) )
$args = (object) $args;
$request = wp_remote_post('', array( 'timeout' => 15, 'body' => array('action' => $action, 'request' => serialize($args))) );
if ( is_wp_error($request) ) {
$res = new WP_Error('plugins_api_failed', __( 'An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with or this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, please try the <a href="">support forums</a>.' ), $request->get_error_message() );
} else {
$res = maybe_unserialize( wp_remote_retrieve_body( $request ) );
if ( ! is_object( $res ) && ! is_array( $res ) )
$res = new WP_Error('plugins_api_failed', __( 'An unexpected error occurred. Something may be wrong with or this server’s configuration. If you continue to have problems, please try the <a href="">support forums</a>.' ), wp_remote_retrieve_body( $request ) );
return apply_filters( 'c3m_favorite_results', $res, $action, $args );
This example usage will give you an unordered list of favorite plugins along with a link to the plugin on dot org, a link to the author uri and the star rating.
$api_data = api( 'query_plugins', array( 'user' => 'my_dot_org_username' ) );
$api_plugins = $api_data->plugins;
echo '<ul class="c3m-favorites">';
foreach( $api_plugins as $plugin ) {
$name = $plugin->name; ?>
<li><strong><a target="_blank" href="<?php echo $plugin->slug ?>/"><?php echo esc_html( $name ); ?></a></strong><br>
<div class="star-holder" title="<?php printf( _n( '(based on %s rating)', '(based on %s ratings)', $plugin->num_ratings ), number_format_i18n( $plugin->num_ratings ) ); ?>">
<div class="star star-rating" style="width: <?php echo esc_attr( str_replace( ',', '.', $plugin->rating ) ); ?>px"></div></div>
<em><?php _e('By: ') ?></em> <?php echo links_add_target( $plugin->author, '_blank' ). '<br>'; ?>
echo '</ul>';
Widget screenshot from my Favorite Plugins Widget plugin: .star-rating
selectors and serving those from the plugin style sheet. Make sure you copy the star rating background image over too. Then, when you scrape the<div class="star-rating" style="width:??px"></div>
element, your css property will output the display of stars (whatever their rating) since it's controlled by the width of thediv
. Easy peasy.