I have tried dbDelta and $wpdb->query, they does not work. Does anyone has any ideas?

  • What is the error? You can dump it with the following call right after you executed the statement: $e = $wpdb->query($sql); die(var_dump($e));
    – Thomas
    Commented Apr 26, 2012 at 8:47

3 Answers 3


As try today, truncate is WAY BETTER that DELETE, because DELETE broke the site, and trucate just empty the table, here is the working code :

global $wpdb;

$wpdb->query('TRUNCATE TABLE wp_posts');

According to this forum entry, truncate does not work. I would guess that since it's such a destructive query, that it's filtered by the class. There is also this Trac Post, which if I am reading it right, disallows DDL statements.

  • Well, maybe I use DELETE instead of truncate.
    – goodseller
    Commented Apr 26, 2012 at 14:51
  • @goodseller Not sure what you're trying to do, so it might not be important to you--but note that DELETE does not reset any auto-incrementing columns. So even though your table will be empty, the next item ID will pick up where the last auto- incremented value left off.
    – MathSmath
    Commented Apr 26, 2012 at 19:53
  • @MathSmath Yeah~ That's true, so true. However is there any way to do so?
    – goodseller
    Commented Apr 27, 2012 at 4:02
  • I found it: $wpdb->query("ALTER TABLE tableName AUTO_INCREMENT=0") Thanks @MathSmath :)
    – goodseller
    Commented Apr 27, 2012 at 5:37
  • 1
    1. linked forum entry code did not work because of a typo. 2. trac ticket just talks about return values from ddl statements.
    – skndstry
    Commented Sep 13, 2016 at 9:03

I know there are similar answers above but in the above answers, the table wp_post used if by mistake someone uses that code will lose his all posts.

So sharing a correct way to truncate.

   global $wpdb;
   $table_name = $wpdb->base_prefix.'name_of_table_without_prefix';
   $wpdb->query("TRUNCATE TABLE $table_name");

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