So I have a plugin with two user-customisable settings. (It's not complete but I'm getting the framework in place.) When the two settings are on the "general" settings page they work just fine...

add_action('admin_init', 'mj_admin_init');
function mj_admin_init(){
    register_setting('general', 'mj_options', 'mj_validate_input');
    add_settings_section('mjid', 'MJ Settings', 'mj_callback', 'general');
    add_settings_field('mj_notify_email', 'Email', 'mj_email_input', 'general', 'mjid');
    add_settings_field('mj_cm_enabled', 'Enable Messages', 'mj_cm_enabled_input', 'general', 'mjid');

add_action('admin_menu', 'mj_admin_menu');
function mj_admin_menu(){

function mj_admin(){
    // to-do later

function mj_callback(){
    echo '<p>MJ Callback function produced this</p>';

function mj_email_input(){
    $options = get_option('mj_options');
    $value = $options['mj_email'];
    echo '<input id="mj_email" name="mj_options[mj_email]" type="text" value="'.esc_attr($value).'" /> <em>Email address</em>';

function mj_cm_enabled_input(){
    $options = get_option('mj_options');
    $value = $options['cm-enabled'];
    echo '<input id="cm-enabled" name="mj_options[cm-enabled]" type="checkbox" value=1 '.checked(1, esc_attr($value), false).' /> <em>Checkbox for enabled messages</em>';

function mj_validate_input($input){
    $valid = array();
    $valid['mj_email'] = sanitize_email( $input['mj_email']);
    if($valid['mj_email'] != $input['mj_email']) {
        add_settings_error('mj_email_setting', 'mj_texterror', 'Invalid email', 'error');
    $valid['cm-enabled'] = intval($input['cm-enabled']);
    return $valid;

But I want to put them on a separate submenu page, called "mj-admin-settings". But, try as I might, they won't show up. All I get is the output of the "mj_callback" function. There are no errors in the error logs, even with debug set to true.

To do the above I changed the mj_admin_init and mj_admin_menu functions to the following:

add_action('admin_init', 'mj_admin_init');
function mj_admin_init(){
    register_setting('mj-admin-settings', 'mj_options', 'mj_validate_input');
    add_settings_section('mjid', 'MJ Settings', 'mj_callback', 'mj-admin-settings');
    add_settings_field('mj_notify_email', 'Email', 'mj_email_input', 'mj-admin-settings', 'mjid');
    add_settings_field('mj_cm_enabled', 'Enable Messages', 'mj_cm_enabled_input', 'mj-admin-settings', 'mjid');

add_action('admin_menu', 'mj_admin_menu');
function mj_admin_menu(){
    add_menu_page('MJ Admin', 'MJ Admin', 'manage_options', 'mj-admin-options', 'mj_admin');
    add_submenu_page('mj-admin-options', 'MJ Admin - Settings', 'Settings', 'manage_options', 'mj-admin-settings', 'mj_callback');


Does anyone have any ideas as to how I get the settings to display in the submenu please? I've been all over the codex and am stumped!

2 Answers 2


If you check the arguments for add_menu_page, you'll see that the fifth argument is your callback function. And, right now, there's nothing in the mj_admin function.

What you need to do is output your form in that function.

function mj_admin(){
    <h2>My Settings Page</h2>
    <form action="options.php" method="post">
    settings_fields( 'mj-admin-settings' );
  • Thanks for replying Matthew, but it still doesn't work. I'm stumped!
    – user417627
    Commented Jun 14, 2012 at 14:17

Don't know if is this the problem but when i add a sub menu page i do it in this way:

add_submenu_page('mj-admin-options.php', 'MJ Admin - Settings', 'Settings', 'manage_options', 'mj-admin-settings', 'mj_callback');

Type the slug with his php extension ;)

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