it seems that you're asking for a link to an archive with "all posts which has any term from the taxonomy Actors".
everyone here replied as if you asked for the link to a specific term archive because what you're asking doesn't make sense in the wordpress world.
I am surprised by the answer of pixelbacon and the fact that it has 6 upvotes... That function returns an url which leads nowhere... wordpress doesn't have a way to interpret that url nor to make the query which would have to be behind that request.
in the database a Taxonomy has relations with the terms, and the terms have relations with the posts. A single post doesn't have relations with the taxonomy. The only thing that connect them is the fact that a post-type could support a Taxonomy.
Let's write down in words what you're trying to display in that page:
"Show me all the posts of the post_type 'post', which has ANY term from the taxonomy Actors."
this basically translate to: "show me all posts of the post_type 'post' (which supports the taxonomy Actors)".
Therefore the only difference from a general post_type archive (show all posts from a given post_type) would be IF you have posts which don't have any Actor term assigned and you DO want to exclude them.
If that's the case, then you can create a custom page, make a generic query to all posts, then in the loop you check if the post has any Actors term with wp_get_post_terms(get_the_ID(), 'actors')
, and eventually exclude it if doesn't have any.