I have this custom loop, which, if It doesnt get any result should display some text, like 'There are no news regarding this item". But I´m not sure how to.


// Loop in the ten latest news with the same taxonomy term as the current post
$backup = $post;  // backup the current object
$found_none = '';
$taxonomy = 'fastighetslista';//  e.g. post_tag, category, custom taxonomy
$param_type = 'fastighetslista'; //e.g. tag__in, category__in, but genre__in will NOT work
$post_types = get_post_types( array('public' => true), 'names' );
$tax_args=array('orderby' => 'none');
$tags = wp_get_post_terms( $post->ID , $taxonomy, $tax_args);
if ($tags) {
    foreach ($tags as $tag) {
            "$param_type" => $tag->slug,
            'post__not_in' => array($post->ID),
            'post_type' => $post_types,
            'showposts'=> 10,
$my_query = null;
$my_query = new WP_Query($args); ?>
if( $my_query->have_posts() ) {
while ($my_query->have_posts()) : $my_query->the_post(); ?>
    <div class="press-entry-small">
        <div class="press-entry-date-small">
            <p class="press-day-small"><?php the_time('d'); ?></p>
            <p class="press-month-small"><?php the_time('M'); ?></p>

        <li class="news-link">
            <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a>


    <div class="clear"></div>

    <?php $found_none = '';
if ($found_none) {
    echo $found_none;
$post = $backup;  // copy it back
wp_reset_query(); // to use the original query again

Where can I put my 'else' statement?


Edit (again).

Ok I modified the code, It looks like this now, but it´s not working at all.

            $taxonomy = 'fastighetslista';//  e.g. post_tag, category, custom taxonomy
            $param_type = 'fastighetslista'; //  e.g. tag__in, category__in, but genre__in will NOT work
            $post_types = get_post_types( array('public' => true), 'names' );
            $tax_args=array('orderby' => 'none');
            $tags = wp_get_post_terms( $post->ID , $taxonomy, $tax_args);
            if ($tags) {
              foreach ($tags as $tag) {
                "$param_type" => $tag->slug,
                'post__not_in' => array($post->ID),
                'post_type' => $post_types,
                'showposts'=> 10,
            $my_query = null;
            $my_query = new WP_Query($args); ?>

            <?php if( $my_query->have_posts() ) : ?>
            <?php while( $my_query->have_posts() ) : $my_query->the_post(); ?>

            <div class="press-entry-small">
            <div class="press-entry-date-small">
            <p class="press-day-small"><?php the_time('d'); ?></p>
            <p class="press-month-small"><?php the_time('M'); ?></p>

            <li class="news-link"><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></li>

            <div class="clear"></div>
            <!-- your output here -->
            <?php endwhile; else : ?>
            <!-- your failure output here -->
            <?php endif; ?>

Edit. Ok I got this working.


            $taxonomy = 'fastighetslista';//  e.g. post_tag, category, custom taxonomy
            $param_type = 'fastighetslista'; //  e.g. tag__in, category__in, but genre__in will NOT work
            $post_types = get_post_types( array('public' => true), 'names' );
            $tax_args=array('orderby' => 'none');
            $tags = wp_get_post_terms( $post->ID , $taxonomy, $tax_args); ?>
            if ($tags) ?>
              <?php foreach ($tags as $tag) ?>
                "$param_type" => $tag->slug,
                'post__not_in' => array($post->ID),
                'post_type' => $post_types,
                'showposts'=> 10,
            $my_query = null;
            $my_query = new WP_Query($args); ?>

            <?php if( $my_query->have_posts() ) : ?>
            <?php while( $my_query->have_posts() ) : $my_query->the_post(); ?>

            <div class="press-entry-small">
            <div class="press-entry-date-small">
            <p class="press-day-small"><?php the_time('d'); ?></p>
            <p class="press-month-small"><?php the_time('M'); ?></p>

            <li class="news-link"><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></li>

            <div class="clear"></div>
            <!-- your output here -->
            <?php endwhile; else : ?>
            <?php endif; ?>
  • Why do you have 3 }s after your endwhile;? Is that closing out some structure we're not seeing?
    – mor7ifer
    Commented Mar 29, 2012 at 10:01
  • Im not sure =) Someone else helped me with this code, I couldn´t do it by myself. But maybe they didn´t write it correct, it works though!
    – Johan Dahl
    Commented Mar 29, 2012 at 10:51

1 Answer 1


What you're gonna want to do is completely rewrite that super-complex structure you have to something like this:

<?php if( $my_query->have_posts() ) : ?>
    <?php while( $my_query->have_posts() ) : $my_query->the_post(); ?>
        <!-- your output here -->
    <?php endwhile; else : ?>
        <!-- your failure output here -->
<?php endif; ?>
  • I tried that now, but there is probably a syntax error somewhere, as the page isnt working at all now. Plz check the code I reposted. :)
    – Johan Dahl
    Commented Mar 29, 2012 at 10:34
  • Typo. Should be $my_query->the_post(); Original answer updated.
    – mor7ifer
    Commented Mar 29, 2012 at 10:36
  • Still something wrong, no page at all...i updated my code to the current one
    – Johan Dahl
    Commented Mar 29, 2012 at 10:46
  • You put your output in place of the comments, correct? And you realize this is not intended to replace your entire code, just the loop segment of it, correct?
    – mor7ifer
    Commented Mar 29, 2012 at 10:51
  • No I didnt put anything there yet, but not doing so would not break the page right? I tried now, just adding some text, and the page still breaks. Yes I´m not replacing all my code with this if thats what you mean :) Just the this loop of course!
    – Johan Dahl
    Commented Mar 29, 2012 at 10:54

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