I recently stumbled across an issue on a site that uses the following URL structure;
An old blog entry had the URL www.mysite.com/my-blog-post/1918/
Since that entry was made there was some media added to the site with the name My Blog Post, meaning the slug for it was also my-blog-post.
Since the addition of the media anyone going to www.thesite.com/my-blog-post/1918/ would be shown the media page instead of the blog page.
I can't see this happening too often, I have corrected the error and informed the guys in charge of content to be mindful of it but it got me thinking about the precedence of different item types.
I would have thought off the bat that Media types would be lower down the list, but apparently not.
What I would like to know is how I go about finding what the precendence of WordPress items is and if there is any way of changing it.