I am currently using the below code to email users when a new post is published, but I need it to BCC all users and not TO all users. Any ideas?

function email_members($post_ID)  {
global $wpdb;
$usersarray = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT user_email FROM $wpdb->users;");
$users = implode(",", $usersarray);
mail($users, "New WordPress recipe online!", 'A new recipe have been published on http://www.wprecipes.com');
return $post_ID;

add_action('publish_post', 'email_members');

1 Answer 1


First: Don’t use mail(). Use wp_mail() instead.

    // Send it to yourself
    get_option( 'admin_email' ), 
    'Your subject', 
    'Your message', 
    // extra headers
    array (
        'Bcc:' . implode( ",", $usersarray ),
        'From:' . get_option( 'admin_email' )
  • So is this the way it should look? function email_members($post_ID) { global $wpdb; $usersarray = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT user_email FROM $wpdb->users;"); $users = implode(",", $usersarray); wp_mail( // Send it to yourself get_option( 'admin_email' ), 'Your subject', 'Your message', // extra headers array ( 'Bcc:' . implode( ",", $usersarray ), 'From:' . get_option( 'admin_email' ) ) ); return $post_ID; } add_action('publish_post', 'email_members');
    – Shae
    Commented Mar 19, 2012 at 12:19
  • @Shae Yeah, seems to be okay. You don’t have to return anything on an action.
    – fuxia
    Commented Mar 19, 2012 at 12:48

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