Recently, I performed a domain migration from a wordpress.com domain to a self-hosted solution. The primary complaint was the loss of followers gained through Wordpress ( http://marygoround.me/2012/02/18/to-all-my-current-wordpress-followers/ )

I don't see any plugins that Automattic has released to allow similar functionality to "Subscribe" and "Like" content on self-hosted blogs, so it's feeling more and more like a closed garden.

What can I do to make sure this audience is preserved after the migration?

4 Answers 4


Self-hosted blogs use RSS for subscriptions.

As far as "liking" goes, that only makes sense within the quasi-social-network environment of WordPress.com.


You cam use http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/jetpack/ which is by Automattic and has the desired Subscribe/follow functionallty.

  • 1
    Thanks, but installing Jetback (and purchasing the domain redirect from Wordpress.com) doesn't seem to pull in the subscribers at the original URL. Feb 20, 2012 at 19:40

According to Tim Moore, Code Wrangler at Automattic (the company behind WordPress):

For WordPress.com users who migrate their WordPress.com blog to WordPress.org with Jetpack installed, we have tools to assist you. Please contact Support (support at jetpack.me) with your WordPress.com address and your new Jetpack-enabled address. Note that this is a permanent transfer.


Took me a while, but I think you're referring to people who subscribed to receive an email when a new post is added to your RSS feed. (If you're talking about subscribing to the RSS feed with a feed reader, then as long as the new site creates posts in the same format as the old one (http://domain name/year/month/date/post) I would think there should be no issue that when a URL is resolved it points to the new page.)

If email is the problem, I found this tip: http://www.redbridgenet.com/wordpress/how-to-export-subscribers-from-wordpress-com/ (I Googled "export wordpress.com email subscribers"). If it's not ... well, then not sure I understand what specifically is not happening. There are lost of plugins out there for connecting up with social networks. I use http://share-and-follow.com/wordpress-plugin/.

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