is there a simple way like a hook or function extension to show the comment count next e.g. behind the post title.

I'd like to show the comment count behind every post shown on my WordPress.

Example: Newspost on Intel (3)

...where (3) is the comment count of the post.

Any hint would be great!

2 Answers 2


On most cases you should be able to use the_title filter to modify the title string. Use get_comments_number() to get the comments count for the post - of given ID or the current one.

For example,

add_filter( 'the_title', 'wpse_427277_the_title', 10, 2 );
function wpse_427277_the_title( string $title, $post_id = null ): string {
    $comment_count = (int) get_comments_number( $post_id );
    if ( $comment_count ) {
        $title .= sprintf( ' (%d)', $comment_count );

    return $title;

Modify as needed.

  • Perfect. That's exactly what i was looking for. It's a small bunch of code but helps a lot. Thank you so much!
    – VSG
    Commented Oct 23 at 15:47
    <?php if( comments_open( get_the_ID() ) ) : ?>
                        <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>#comments" class="comments-link"><i class="fa fa-comment"></i> <?php echo en2fa( get_comments_number() ); ?></a>
                    <?php endif; ?>
  • Thanks a lot for your reply! Would that be possible using a Filter (add_filter) in the functions.php? I mean like overwriting the post_title?
    – VSG
    Commented Oct 17 at 10:16
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    – Community Bot
    Commented Oct 18 at 16:05

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