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I'm currently working on my eCommerce and I can't seem to find any tutorial about this, so I decided to give it a shot around.

I got this Menu (see picture) working great already..

My eCommerce current Main Menu.

..but I was wondering if it's possible to add icons (like the Shopping Cart and the Search icons) on it, just like the picture below:

My Account icon added in Photoshop for illustration.

This icon is meant for people to login. Plus, when people log in (and they upload a custom picture for their profiles) I really want to push their profile picture to the Menu so it can look like this:

Logged in user account and profile access.

I'm unable to find anything online to do this exact thing. I can find things like "How to insert icons or pictures in the Main Menu", but that goes a little off for what I'm looking for.

I'm not looking for them to appear when clicked on the 'hamburger' icon, at the dropdown menu. The Shopping Cart and Search Icons appear only there, and I love it, but I can't seem to find anything online regarding this.

In summary, what I'm looking for is:

  • How to insert custom icons on the Main Menu, like 'My Account/Login'.
  • When people are logged in, the icon turns into the users' profile picture, if available.

Also, as you can see, the hamburger icon is kinda padding a little down, not straight aligned to the other icons. That's really not THAT important, it's just aesthetics, but I would love to know how to fix this and add these and maybe other icons.

This profile icon will definitely link to 'My Account' page, so people can easily login and know if they are already logged in. It's also very important to push their profile picture when available, to make it look neat and professional.

Can you guys give me some light on this?

I'm currently working with DIVI on WordPress, of course, plus WooCommerce.

I appreciate very, very much your time and effort!

Best regards, MANZON

  • 1
    edit your question to show us the code you tried to do that.
    – mmm
    Commented Aug 1 at 9:17
  • Is this a custom theme, a child theme or a theme someone else built? All of this makes a huge difference as to how you would approach doing this. Using a custom theme, this would be relatively simple. Commented Aug 1 at 20:26
  • @mmm: I didn't use anything yet since this is a new ongoing project. I tried many time on other websites, but not this one, and now the time has come to make it happen. The other codes I used before involved putting images that appear on the dropdown menu instead of the Main Menu header site where Search and Shopping Cart is. I'm looking to add anything to the dropdown menu.
    – MANZON
    Commented Aug 2 at 14:27
  • @TonyDjukic: It's a custom theme I made myself with ET's DIVI and it's not a child theme, the website is already up and running.
    – MANZON
    Commented Aug 2 at 14:28
  • Divi is a theme... ...so are you building a child theme? elegantthemes.com/gallery/divi Commented Aug 2 at 18:06


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