I've inherited a site from another company recently and found this in their functions.php file:

function themeLoader()
  locate_template(include('inc/wp_reset.php'), true, true);
  locate_template(include('inc/acf_options.php'), true, true);
  locate_template(require('inc/bem_menu.php' ), true, true);
  locate_template(require('inc/menus.php' ), true, true);
  locate_template(require('inc/custom_wysiwyg_styles.php' ), true, true);
  locate_template(require('inc/custom_functions.php' ), true, true);
  locate_template(require('inc/resources-post-type.php' ), true, true);
  locate_template(require('inc/careers-post-type.php' ), true, true);

I've not seen require used as a function before like this, however after looking it up it seems that it can be used in either way.

However, each require is wrapped in a locate_template() call. Would I be right in assuming this locate_template() call does nothing and silently fails? If it was the other way round, require(locate_template('...')) it would make sense to me.

I think the developer got lucky and the folder structure of the theme just happened to match with their referenced paths.

  • if the file used by require ends with return ... then require will return this value. but with or without these return, locate_template will just calculate a path and do nothing more then I'm sure that removing locate_template in this code will not alter the website. moreover, managing a CPT in a theme instead of a plugin is a very dangerous way of coding. I wish you good courage to handle this website, you will maybe found other oddity like that.
    – mmm
    Commented Jul 29 at 21:13


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