I am trying to create a new column inside the wp_posts table but I am getting the error #1067 - Invalid default value for 'post_date' when I try and save it. What I am trying to do is, I am getting some data from an external API that I am saving in my Database and then I was to be able to check if the data exists in my DB, which is why I am trying to create a column inside the wp_posts table to save the unique ID of the data from the API. The following is the SQL query. I am trying to do this using the PhpMyAdmin.

ALTER TABLE `wp_posts` ADD `apipostid` VARCHAR(20) NULL AFTER `ID`;

  • I wouldn't recommend altering the wp_posts table. Instead, add the apipostid as post meta. See, eg, update_post_meta().
    – Pat J
    Commented Oct 13, 2023 at 19:16

1 Answer 1


This may not be the best solution. I am not an expert. But the following helped solve my problem and I can add columns using the PhpMyAdmin without getting any errors.

I went over to the SQL tab and then I ran the following query show variables like 'sql_mode'; Then in order to remove i ran the following query set global sql_mode = 'ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY,STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,ERROR_FOR_DIVISION_BY_ZERO,NO_ENGINE_SUBSTITUTION';

This helped solve my problem.

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