I'm using Gutenberg editor and I want to add a shortcode (using XYZ PHP Code) that uses the post id to retrieve certain ACF value.

I'm editing the home page where the last blog posts are shown, but I can't find a way to get the post_id of each item on the loop. I'm using this on the XYZ Shortcode:

<?php echo get_the_ID(); ?>

It always displays the same post_id, the one that belongs to the first post that gets displayed on the list.

How can I get the ID for each item on the loop?

enter image description here

I am missing something here?

  • If you're inside a custom loop, you might need to globalize the post object. Commented Aug 2, 2023 at 13:26
  • @ray-happyforms So... is there any way to do what I want?
    – Alvaro
    Commented Aug 2, 2023 at 15:28
  • @ray-happyforms not sure what you mean by "custom loop". This is the default loop created by TwentyTwentyThree theme when using Gutenberg editor.
    – Alvaro
    Commented Aug 2, 2023 at 16:20
  • @Alvaro, did my answer help, and more importantly, can you let us know how did you solve the issue? 🤔
    – Sally CJ
    Commented Aug 10, 2023 at 5:15

1 Answer 1


No, you did nothing wrong.

It's a known issue and in WordPress v6.1.3 and up to the current stable release as of writing (v6.2.2), it's happening because of the following lines in get_the_block_template_html() which returns the markup for the current (block-based) template:

$content = do_shortcode( $content );
$content = do_blocks( $content );

So as you could see, shortcodes in the post content (post_content) are being run before the blocks are parsed, which means that by the time your shortcode runs, the Query Loop block has not yet run, hence get_the_ID(), get_post()->ID, etc. would return the ID of the first post or whatever is the current post in the current loop.

In the past, it used to be that do_blocks() is being called before do_shortcode(), then in WordPress v6.1.2, the do_shortcode() call was removed and yet, added back in v6.1.3 (see changesets 55771 and 55830 in Trac), so I don't know if it will ever be back to any of that behaviors.

Nonetheless, there are 2 possible workarounds you can try:


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