I have several custom post types : Testimony, questions and FAQ. They all have a taxonomy called "category". In the record function of the custom post type they all have this line:
'taxonomies' => array( 'category' ),
The problem is :If I start creating "categories" for one of the custom post types, it also creates them for the other custom post types, as if there was only one taxonomy called "category", common to the set of custom post types
The SQL query which consists in renaming a taxonomy works if it targets only one taxonomy.
UPDATE `wp_term_taxonomy` SET `taxonomy` = '<new taxonomy name>' WHERE `taxonomy` = '<old taxonomy name>';
Same with the "rename taxonomy" plugin.
Is there a way to rename custom post type taxonomy by making them independent of each other? I tried to modify the name of a taxonomy directly in the registration function, but obviously it deleted all the categories I had created
do you mean that there are multiple custom taxonomies, one for each CPT that have the same name, or, do you mean that the original developers reused the categories that come with WordPress and allowed them to be used with these new CPTs? If you can share the code to be more specific about this then that will save a lot of confusion, right now there are still ambiguities as what you said could mean multiple things. CPT registration code and Custom taxonomy registration code will be helpful if you can edit that into your question