I'm creating two different WP_Query objects, one for each of two different post types I'm using. In creating my output, I'd like to loop through one of the objects, and at the same time loop through the other object as well, so I can output pieces of them together. Here's an example of what I'd like to accomplish:

$rotator_args = array(
    'post_type' => 'rotator',

$rotator = new WP_Query($rotator_args);

$numrotators = $rotator->post_count; 

$testimonial_args = array(
    'post_type' => 'testimonial',
    'posts_per_page' => $numrotators,

$testimonial = new WP_Query($testimonial_args);

while ( $rotator->have_posts() ) : 
    $rotator->the_post(); //setup the rotator posts
    $testimonial->the_post(); //this breaks things, understandably
    $rotator_image = get_the_post_thumbnail($rotator->ID, 'large');
    $testimonial_image = get_the_post_thumbnail($testimonial->ID, 'large');
    $return .= '<div>' . $rotator_image . '</div>';
    $return .= '<div>' . $testimonial_image . '</div>';
return $return;

However, that doesn't work. Taking out $testimonial->the_post(); (and the associated $testimonial related code) fixes things.

  • Not quite sure what you're aiming for here, functionality-wise. If you're trying to associate posts, why not use scribu's posts2posts plugin? scribu.net/wordpress/posts-to-posts
    – ZaMoose
    Commented Feb 7, 2012 at 21:39
  • Nope, not trying to associate them. Commented Feb 7, 2012 at 21:48

4 Answers 4


Go through each loop, storing the post object in an array. Then at the end combine them. (This is completely untested)


  • Bill's got the right end of the stick on this one, methinks. Though it does seem a tad un-optimized.
    – ZaMoose
    Commented Feb 7, 2012 at 21:44
  • At first glance this looks perfect. @ZaMoose, is there anything in particular that seems un-optimized? (asking so I can work on speeding it up if necessary/possible). Commented Feb 7, 2012 at 21:50
  • This doesn't allow for using any functions that don't take a post ID (or other WP_Query property) as an argument, does it? If not, any suggestions on a way to implement something that does allow for using e.g. get_the_content()? Commented Feb 7, 2012 at 21:54
  • You're essentially parsing through two arrays of objects and then doing the same thing over again -- you're duplicating your effort to avoid $post-related clobberings. I may have to give this some thought.
    – ZaMoose
    Commented Feb 7, 2012 at 21:55
  • Right before the loop put print_r( $rotator_items[0] ); to see all the data you have. For instance, for the content use $rotator_items[0]->post_content Commented Feb 7, 2012 at 22:24

I'm not sure you can merge the two loops together, since there isn't anything to keep them separate from a data standpoint. Are you trying to add data from a testimonial into the rotator as it goes?

  • Yes, trying to get data from the testimonial inside the rotator pane (actually using <li>s instead of <div>s, but I changed that to simplify things here). Commented Feb 7, 2012 at 21:35

Edit: Bill's refactor is much better than my duct tape Edit: Additionally, my edit will stick with the same testimonial which wasn't even the desired outcome. Again: please see Bill's refactor

The trouble you're having is with $post. Every time you fire the_post() $post has the applicable data. I would suggest something like the following:

global $post;

$rotator_args = array(
    'post_type' => 'rotator',

$rotator = new WP_Query($rotator_args);

$numrotators = $rotator->post_count; 

$testimonial_args = array(
    'post_type' => 'testimonial',
    'posts_per_page' => $numrotators,

$testimonial = new WP_Query($testimonial_args);
if( $testimonial->have_posts() )
    $my_testimonial = $post;

while ( $rotator->have_posts() ) : 
    $rotator->the_post(); //setup the rotator posts
    $rotator_image = get_the_post_thumbnail($rotator->ID, 'large');
    $testimonial_image = get_the_post_thumbnail($my_testimonial->ID, 'large');
    $return .= '<div>' . $rotator_image . '</div>';
    $return .= '<div>' . $testimonial_image . '</div>';
return $return;
  • This won't work. It will continually return a single testimonial.
    – ZaMoose
    Commented Feb 7, 2012 at 21:41
  • You're totally right, I didn't realize he was trying to grab a new one in each iteration. Commented Feb 7, 2012 at 21:43

Is there some piece of data that connects $rotator to $testimonial? If not then I don't see what the point is…you just have two disparate loops.

  • Right, but I want them to run together, essentially, so that I can output information from them in a connected fashion Any one post in the rotator post type is not, however, connected to any one post in the testimonial post type. Commented Feb 7, 2012 at 22:49

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