I have successfully embeded an iframe in Wordpress (via Elementor) that displays a Unity3D game. The game is located in c-panel > file manager at: https://wordpress-staging.zafflower.com/SummersDay_020923/index.html. However, this is a staging site and I would like to have the Unity3D game in a different folder: https://public_html/SummersDay/index.html. When I copy or move the game to the new folder I get the error message: 'public_html’s server IP address could not be found.' I have tried changing the permission on the SummersDay folder from 755 to 750 which is the same as the permission on public_html, but that doesn't work. I have also tried making a new folder outside of public_html and giving it a 750 permission but that doesn't work either. My Wordpress site is hosted at HostGator. Is there something that HostGator has to do on their end, or can I do something to fix this? See iframe code below that works and iframe code that doesn't work. Any help will be much appreciated. Zaffer

This iframe works:

<iframe src="https://wordpress-staging.zafflower.com/SummersDay_020923/index.html"

This iframe doesn't work:

<iframe src="https://public_html/SummersDay/index.html"

Addumdum: Here is a JPG of the file paths of the two instances of the game. I am using what I think are the correct paths.

enter image description here

  • We’ll you second example isn’t using a valid URL. You’ve left out the domain. Commented Feb 22, 2023 at 0:36

1 Answer 1


Thanks Jacob, I didn't realize that iframe could only reach an address that included a domain, not just a file path. I solved the problem by creating a subdirectory, games.zafflower.com, and installing a new WordPress site in that subdomain. Now this iframe code will correctly display my Unity3D game. Thanks! Zaffer

<iframe src="https://games.zafflower.com/SummersDay/index.html"

enter image description here

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