First time diving in to custom blocks - so I've managed to create a block, pretty simple just using RichText and attributes. Everything works fine when I initially add the block, I can change the content - then update, change, click update etc. Everything works as expected.
But if I update, close the editor and then come back to "edit" the page, the block loads up - I then select the RichText field, type a change and the Update button on the editor stays disabled.
The only way I can get the update button to work, is to add a paragraph then remove it, or change the title of the page, or do anything else to the page.
On update for the RichText field is simple, setAttribute.
But I'm lost as to what to do to make the Editor see that there are changes and to let me save them.
Edited to show example of RichText and the update function.
attributes: {
updated: {
type: 'boolean',
default: 0,
tabsTitles: {
type: "array",
source: "query",
selector: "",
default: [
{ title: "Tab 1" },
{ title: "Tab 2" },
{ title: "Tab 3"},
query: {
title: {
type: "string",
source: "html",
selector: "",
<div { ...blockProps }>
<ul className="tab-list">
{ (data, i) => (
className = { state.selected === i ? 'tab-item active' : 'tab-item' }
onChange={(value) => updateTabTitle(i, value)}
onClick={ (e) => toggleTab(e, i) }
allowedFormats={ [ 'core/bold', 'core/italic' ] }
value={ data.title }
) ) }
update title function:
function updateTabTitle(i, value) {
/** Make a copy before editing */
const titles = attributes.tabsTitles;
/** Do Change */
titles[i].title = value;
/** Set Att from copy */
setAttributes({tabsTitles: titles});
/** Tell silly WP we have changed an attr.. again */
setAttributes({ updated: 1});
to store the value rather than directly using a block attribute, or you may be doing something else. Without seeing code it's not possible to answer the question