I'm making a custom note meta box for plugin, and I have a note box input and one 'add' button in the box with. The button saves the text but does not move the text to the notepad but instead stays in the Box but saved, I'd like the text when saved to move to the note pad

enter image description here

[![enter image description here][2]][2]

    else {
            print '<hr />';
        print '<div id="ppn_add_post_note" style="margin: 10px 0 10px 0;">';
        print '<label for="ppn_post_note">' . __('Add note:', 'peters_post_notes') . '</label><br />';
        print '<textarea rows="3" cols="30" name="ppn_post_note" id="ppn_post_note" style="width: 99%">
'.get_post_meta($post->ID, 'ppn_post_note', true).'
</textarea><br /><br />';
        print '<label><input type="checkbox" name="ppn_private" /> ' . __('Private note', 'peters_post_notes') . "</label>\n";
        print '</div>
<div style="text-align: right">
<input type="submit" value="Save" id="save_note">value="Add" tabindex="5" accesskey="p">




            jQuery(document).on('click', '#save_note', function(e) {
                var note =  $('#ppn_post_note').val();

                var post_id = $('input[name="post_ID"]').val();
                var data = {
                    'post_id': post_id,
                    'note_movie': note,
                    'action': 'rt_note_save',
                jQuery.post(ajaxurl, data, function(resp){
add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_rt_movie_serial_save', 'rt_movie_serial_save');
add_action( 'wp_ajax_rt_movie_serial_save', 'rt_movie_serial_save' );
function rt_movie_serial_save(){
    if (isset($_POST['key'])) {
        $key = $_POST['key'];
        $bk_name = $_POST['bk_name'];
        update_post_meta( $_POST['post_id'], 'serial-'.$key, $bk_name );

add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_rt_note_save', 'rt_note_save');
add_action( 'wp_ajax_rt_note_save', 'rt_note_save' );
function rt_note_save(){
    if (isset($_POST['note_movie'])) {
        $key = $_POST['note_movie'];
        $bk_name = $_POST['note_movie'];
        update_post_meta( $_POST['post_id'], 'ppn_post_note', $bk_name );

enter image description here

  • You'd have to do this with javascript, though there are already plugins for adding internal comments/notes to posts. Note that what you're describing is specific to the classic editor, which is very important information. I'd also suggest changing your code editor to one that includes basic features such as syntax highlighting and auto-complete. You should also share your code as code, not screenshots, otherwise anybody trying to help you has to transcribe the text out of the image before they can modify it which is a lot of work
    – Tom J Nowell
    Commented Jun 23, 2022 at 13:52
  • ok cool thank you . Commented Jun 23, 2022 at 14:16
  • hey Tom I added this code - <input name="publish" type="submit" id="publish" class="publish-button" value="Add" tabindex="5" accesskey="p"> - it adds a button but it updates the whole post I just want the note meta box updated please Commented Jun 23, 2022 at 16:00


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