It looks like I will need to create custom PHP code for this and either add it to my includes directory within a custom PHP file, or to the functions.php file.
I need the ability to use a featured image in a post and be able to also dynamically display that same image in a gallery on the frontpage.
I am not a PHP master by any means, but I know a bit to get around.
My guess is I would need something comparable to this:
if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) {
echo '<div style='background-image: url(' . get_the_post_thumbnail_url() . ');></div>';
How would I get the featured image to display within in a certain section on the frontpage? Would I need to create a custom class to place this in a specific section on the frontpage?
There’s a “Projects” custom post type where the actual posts are created. There are fields within this post type created using ACF. There’s a “Project Featured” section in this custom post type that offers a toggle to turn off or on “Featured”. If the toggle is on, that is when the featured image should be used and displayed on the frontpage.
class. You should make use of themeta_query
parameter to display those featured projects.