Looking for the filter hook for the admin/comments/reply to process (where you use 'reply to' in the comments administration screen). This will be used in a custom plugin.

(The plugin adds a hidden field to a front-end entered comment to reduce bot-entered comments. The extra field is inserted properly on the front end, but not in the admin comment list page.)

I need to

  • add a hidden field to the comment drop-down on the comments admin list (the comment field that shows when you click the 'reply' link for a comment).
  • add some pre-processing to the comment drop-down when it is submitted and before WP processes the comment.

Not sure where to start on this, although I think it is in https://developer.wordpress.org/reference/files/wp-admin/includes/class-wp-comments-list-table.php/ .

Am I on the right track? Is there a filter for the adding of fields to the comment box form that is on the admin/comments page?

(Note: had posted this question in StackExchange main area by mistake. And got a down-vote and close vote without explanation for my efforts. So duplicating the question here - where I meant to put it.)


The hidden field is added to the comment form on the front end with the 'add_meta_boxes_comment' action hook, which uses the 'add_meta_box' function to specify the field and the callback function for that inserted/hidden field.

The hidden/added field is processed via the 'edit_comment' hook. If the hidden field is not there, then the comment is not saved.

This works fine in the front-end, but the hidden/added field is not added to the comment form in the back-end's "Reply" on the comment list page.

  • 1. "add a hidden field" - you mean, a hidden field with a value that remains unchanged on the same page, regardless which comment being edited or replied to? 2. "add some pre-processing" - what kind of pre-processing? How did you do that on the front-end side (what hook you used)?
    – Sally CJ
    Commented Jan 20, 2022 at 7:33
  • 1
    Added additional info to the question per the request of the above comment. Commented Jan 20, 2022 at 22:46
  • So I wondered if my answer answered your question, either in full or just partially? Could you please let me know?
    – Sally CJ
    Commented Jan 24, 2022 at 9:06
  • 1
    Your answer was helpful, but I decided to do it differently to reduce complexity. My solution (below) worked for my application. My solution might help others, but so will your answer. Commented Jan 24, 2022 at 19:06

2 Answers 2


Is there a filter for the adding of fields to the comment box form that is on the admin/comments page?

If you meant the inline form for editing or replying to a comment at wp-admin/edit-comments.php, then,

  • The form is outputted using wp_comment_reply() which has a hook with the same name, i.e. wp_comment_reply, and you could use that to return your own comment reply form HTML.

  • However, the inline editing is a JavaScript feature, hence I would simply use JS to add custom fields to that form.

Working Example

So here's a sample script for adding a field named hidden_field (labeled Hidden Field) to that form:

jQuery( function ( $ ) {
    // Append the field at the bottom of the inline form, above the submit
    // button. Just customize the HTML, but ensure the selector is correct.
    // ( i.e. I used [name="hidden_field"], so change it based on your HTML. )
    $( '#replysubmit' ).before(
        '<p style="padding: 3px 0 2px 5px; clear: both">' +
            '<label>Hidden Field:</label> ' +
            '<input name="hidden_field" />' +

    // Note: (window.)commentReply is defined by WordPress.
    $( '#the-comment-list' ).on( 'click', '.comment-inline', function() {
        var $field = $( '#replyrow input[name="hidden_field"]' );

        // If the Quick Edit button is clicked, set the field value to the
        // current database value.
        if ( 'edit-comment' === commentReply.act ) {
            $field.val( $( '#hidden_field-' + commentReply.cid ).val() );
        } else {
        // If the Reply button is clicked, then we empty the field.
            $field.val( '' );
    } );

    // Submit the form when the Enter key is pressed.
    $( '#replyrow input[name="hidden_field"]' ).on( 'keypress', function( e ) {
        if ( e.which == 13 ) {
            return false;
    } );
} );
  1. Save it to an external JS file and load the script on the comments page, e.g. via the admin_enqueue_scripts hook, like so: ( make sure admin-comments which loads wp-admin/js/edit-comments.js, is in the dependencies list )

    add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', 'my_admin_enqueue_scripts' );
    function my_admin_enqueue_scripts() {
        if ( 'edit-comments' === get_current_screen()->id ) {
            wp_enqueue_script( 'my-script', '/path/to/the/script.js',
                array( 'admin-comments' ) );
  2. To save the field, e.g. as a comment metadata, you can use the comment_post and (the one you already using) edit_comment hooks. For example:

    add_action( 'edit_comment', 'my_save_comment_hidden_field' ); // for the Quick Edit button
    add_action( 'comment_post', 'my_save_comment_hidden_field' ); // for the Reply button
    function my_save_comment_hidden_field( $comment_ID ) {
        if ( defined( 'DOING_AUTOSAVE' ) && DOING_AUTOSAVE ) {
        if ( ! isset( $_POST['hidden_field'] ) ||
            ! current_user_can( 'edit_comment', $comment_ID )
        ) {
        $value = sanitize_text_field( $_POST['hidden_field'] );
        update_comment_meta( $comment_ID, 'hidden_field', $value );
  3. Make sure to add a hidden input which stores the field value that's currently in the database. But it does not have to be an <input />.. you could just use other element; what's important is, store the value somewhere so that JS can get the value and update the field value in the inline form when editing a comment, i.e. after clicking on "Quick Edit".

    So for example, I added the hidden input via the comment_text hook:

    add_filter( 'comment_text', 'my_comment_text', 10, 2 );
    function my_comment_text( $comment_text, $comment ) {
        $value = $comment ? get_comment_meta( $comment->comment_ID, 'hidden_field', true ) : '';
        $input = sprintf( '<input type="hidden" id="hidden_field-%d" value="%s" />',
            $comment->comment_ID, esc_attr( $value ) );
        return $comment_text . $input;

Although @SallyCJ's answer might work, and is probably good information, I went in a different direction that worked for my application.

My application needs a hidden field in the comment form. Although you can easily add the hidden field to the front-end comment form, the back-end doesn't use that process. But my application needs the POST of that hidden value for a verification process.

Since the hidden field isn't easily insertable in the back-end drop-down comment form (that you get when you hit the reply button), I reasoned that only an authorized admin can get to the admin/comment list, so my application doesn't need to check if it is a bot accessing the comment form. (My plugin senses bot comment submissions.) If you are logged in as an admin, then you are not a bot.

So, in the section that checks for the hidden field, I added this to add the GUID value to 'the_hidden_field' that is shown on the front-end comment form:

if (current_user_can( 'moderate_comments' ) ) {
     // forces the guid on admin/comment replies without needing
     //    to add a hidden field to the dropdown form.
    $_POST['the_hidden_field'] = wp_generate_uuid4(); 
    return $commentdata;

The 'if' statement will be true for the admin/editor/author roles only, so the hidden field is sort of added to the comment POST.

Note that others have said that you can use is_admin() to see if you are in an admin page, but that returns false in some instances - like if you are in the admin/list comments page, and you hit the 'reply' button for a comment. An is_admin() check there returns false. So that didn't work.

Adding the code above resolved my issue. Might not work for all - you may need the code suggested by @SallyCJ . But it worked for me.

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