I want to create my own code for displaying and editing a logged in user's profile.
For that I want to create a form inside a Wordpress page and pre-populate the form fields with data before the page is displayed. I want to do this independently of any plugin providing form widgets. This raises the following questions for me:
Is there a general form and form data handling mechanism in Wordpress that I can facilitate for this, like e.g. Wordpress has a form object containing a "field" or data object for each of the form's fields, allowing me to access the form(s) on a page?
I actually wouldn't even need a form object. Instead, I could just place a couple of input fields on the page. How would I access these in some php function?
How would I access the forms (is there e.g. a Wordpress function receiving the form name and returning me a form object?)
How would I intercept loading of the page containing the form(s) (or any page, that is) before it gets rendered, but after the form object is instantiated/initialized?
As I said, I am not looking for a particular form implementation by e.g. some plugin, but whether there is a general underlying mechanism, which might eventually be utilized by such plugins, I could facilitate.