I am creating a Blog in wordpress.
I have a list of categories: Technology, Art, fashion, Home, Lifetime, Education, Business, Religion, Design and home, Marketing
In which some of these categories I am using only in Custom Post Type (Technology, Art, Fashion) and others only in Normal Posts (Home, Life, Education, Business, Religion, Design and home, Marketing).
When I created the custom pos type, I used the CPT UI plugin.
Now I need to get the list of categories that are only being used from normal posts to show them on my blog (). I tried to do the following but it returns all categories including CPTs:
$categories = get_categories();
foreach($categories as $category) {
echo '<li class="cat-name" . '>' . $category->name . '</li>';
I just need to show the categories: Home, Life, Education, Business, Religion, Design & Home, Marketing.
And exclude those that are being used in CPT. Please Help!