I am developing a consultancy website which has event to it. I am using ACF for generating event

Firstly the event consists of 3 things,

  1. Past Events
  2. Ongoing Events + current events + upcoming events

I have successfully generated a Past event and upcoming event for the events post, but my question is I am adding a ribbon for the posts to show is the post is upcoming or ongoing or past or current.

In code I successfully generate a upcoming event and past event, but, I am unable to show the current event and ongoing event in the ribbon

the ribbon is like this

enter image description here

I added the following code to generate these ribbon

                        <div class="ribbon">

                                    $event_date = get_field('event_date');

                                    $events_date = new DateTime($event_date);
                                    $event_timestamp = $events_date->getTimestamp();

                                     if( $event_timestamp <= time()){

                                        $ribbon = "Past Event";

                                        $ribbon = "Upcoming Event";

                                      <span><?php echo $ribbon; ?></span>

for the ongoing event and the current event, there might be some thing which I should add in the above code but I cannot figure it out. Can U guys Please Help me to solve this issue

Note Also for the today date, my ribbon is showing past event and I don't why it is showing this.**

I too research the following stack overflow of these type but none of them work :( https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25622370/php-how-to-check-if-a-date-is-today-yesterday-or-tomorrow

1 Answer 1


Well I Figured it out,

But I have done soo many things that I don't know Is this a good approach or not also I want too simplify my process can anybody help me with this ??

Condition Meets

Suppose Today Date is April 12 - 2021

  • April 9 - April 10 => Past Events
  • April 9 - April 12 => Ongoing Events
  • April 12 - April 18 => Ongoing Events
  • April 15 - April 18 => Upcoming Events
  • April 11 - April 11 => Past Events
  • April 8 - April 18 => Ongoing Events


              $event_start_date = get_field('event_date'); //get event start date
              $event_end_date = strtotime(get_field('event_end_date')); // convert event date to strtotime
              $current_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
              $curr_date=strtotime($current_date); //get current date

                    $the_date=strtotime($event_start_date); //convert event start date to strtotime
                $diff=floor(($curr_date-$the_date)/(60*60*24)); //cal for diff between two strtotime - output on float ie float(-1) or float(1)

                $date_s = date_create($current_date); 

                $date_e = date_create(get_field('event_end_date'));

                $difference_date = date_diff($date_s,$date_e); //get difference of two  dates result is shown on -1 day or 2 day

                $diff_days = $difference_date->format("%R%a"); // get the value of two difference date

if($event_end_date <  $curr_date  ){ // condition to check April-18 < April 12 

                  echo "Past Event";

                        if($diff == 0){ //condition to check April 12 == April 12
                      echo "Today Event";

                    } else if($diff_days == -0){ //condition to check date from April 11 - April  12
                       echo "Ongoing Event";


                }elseif($diff > 1 && $diff > -1 || $diff == 0){ //condition to check date from April 12 - April 18 or April 9 - April 14
                   echo "Ongoing Event";
                }else{ // condtion to check the date above the current date
                  echo "Upcomming Event";
                } ?>

If Any one who can Simplify These codes will be great helpful

Thank You

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