Please forgive me if this doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

Is there a way to list all the posts created under one custom post type (eg: Blueprints) in the edit screen of another (eg: Buildings) in a checklist (or similar) so that individual bluebrints can be associated with individual buildings?

I hope that made sense.

  • Listing posts with checkboxes isn't going to automatically create a relation though is it, how do you plan to relate those posts to one another?
    – t31os
    Commented Dec 21, 2011 at 13:20
  • The checkboxes would act like custom meta boxes. So if Blueprint A and Blueprint B were selected in Building 1 they would appear as a custom field value Commented Dec 21, 2011 at 13:48
  • 1
    "were selected in building 1"? ... If it's the post listing, how are you in a given building? You're viewing a list, not a given single item.. (please try and expand on what is your describing or envisioning).. also please add that additional info to the question to avoid bloating the comments.
    – t31os
    Commented Dec 21, 2011 at 13:56

1 Answer 1


if you are trying to make ralationship links between post types, the easiest way is to use the great "posts 2 posts" plugin by Scribu : http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/posts-to-posts/

here is the documentation : https://github.com/scribu/wp-posts-to-posts/wiki

hope that could help.



Is there a way to list all the posts created under one custom post type (eg: Blueprints) in the edit screen of another (eg: Buildings) in a checklist (or similar)

yes ! in the edit screen of each post types depending on the associations you create between them. not a checklist, but similar, well, better ! this plugin gives you the ability to add/remove/reorder, with drag and drop, your linked posts/post types/pages and even users if you need...

so that individual bluebrints can be associated with individual buildings?

absolutely ! not only "one to one" relationships inbetween different post types, but also "many to many" and "one to many"... you choose. see the manual.

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