I'm working on an e-commerce site with a custom theme and I have been trying to integrate it with woocommerece, the shop and product page display just fine and work the way they should but when I go to the basket/cart page, it's blank the HTML is exactly this
Things I've checked/done so far
- Basket page is present (generated by woocommerce).
- Basket page has [woocommerce_cart] short code.
- Woocommerce is configured to use this page.
- I changed my theme to twentytwenty and the basket page shows up just fine but if I revert to my theme, the blank page situation reappears
- If I add page-basket.php to my theme and add some content to it like a header with hello in it, it shows up just fine
- Tried deleting the basket page and regenerating it but no dice.
- Turned on debug logs but nothing is there.
- Removed the woocommerce folder under my theme and reload page but still nothing.
I don't know if this is relevant but I copied all of the contents of the templates folder under the woocommerce plugin into MYTHEME/woocommerce. I also copied the same folder into the twentytwenty theme but it still works.
I'm on woocommerce 4.0.1
I have no idea what this could be and I'm stumped, any suggestions would be welcome
EDIT: I've also looked at the twentytwenty source and I cannot see how they are implementing woocommerce support, there's no reference to woocommerce at all.
EDIT: I also have woocommerce support in my theme
function add_woocommerce_support()
add_action('after_setup_theme', 'add_woocommerce_support');