The wp-config.php file keeps on getting deleted. Before this started to happen, extra characters would automatically appear in my database username and password which would take my website down, I'd then notice this and delete those characters - then my site would appear back up. This same cycle happened consecutively before it moved on to deleting the wp-config file.
I am not exactly sure what is causing this deletion of the wp-config.php file, but I have restored it on numerous occasions, changed the database information several times and changed my credentials on both Cpanel and Wordpress; however, the problem still seems to persist. My website is currently down as I am writing this post --> Picture 1 is the current state of my website, and Picture 2 is the frequent error that I have been getting.
If anyone can please help me, advise, or any knowledge on why this could be happening. It would be very much appreciated. I'm just a student trying to make a means for himself. :)