Currently i am developing a wordpress website with Vue.js and the wordpress REST API, and can't find a solution to use wordpress shortcodes
ex: Contact Form 7
I have been trying this example , but it doesn't seem to work with me Vue.js + AJAX Shortcode
Anyone ever had a similar problem?
For Example
In regular wordpress
I can use the contact forms plug in this way
<section class="container section__form display--grid">
<div class="form__content display--flex width--full justify--center">
<?php echo do_shortcode( '[contact-form-7 id="75" title="Formulário de contacto 1"]' ); ?>
Since vue is on the client side and not directy connected to wordpress i can't use this way
I Thought that might be a way i could use the short code like a vue component or use php inside a vue component.