I have a WordPress page /floorplans/ that is submitting a form with the attributes method="post" and action="/contact/" to the '/contact/' page. Before I do anything else on the contact page, I am var_dumping the $post variable to make sure it is what I am expecting, but instead of getting the contact page in the $post variable, I am getting the instance of the custom post type "floorplan" that corresponds to the variable $_POST['floorplan'] that was submitted in the post request to the contact page. What is going on?
<!-- /floorplans/ page -->
<form method="post" action="/contact/">
<input type="text" value="example" />
<!-- /contact/ page -->
<!-- Here I expect to see a var dump of the contact page, but instead I get a var dump of the custom post type instance that corresponds to the value that I entered in $_POST['floorplan'], as if this value were a post_name. -->