I was going to give users back end access to edit entries but don't like the idea of them having access to the back end. I currently am using/developing with Adminize and Role Scooper and have set up custom editing screens for the users. Users will have access to a custom post type for their user profile and to a single custom post type for their company profile page. My site is a directory of companies.
What I would like to have is the ability to load in the custom editing pages from the back end into iFrames on the front end via an edit menu on the custom post page.
I assume I will need to use AJAX in some form or another. I have looked at a few front end editing plugins but they seem to all fall short f what I need/am looking for.
- Is it possible to load in the back end editing pages into iFrames?
- Can I save the edits and reload the front end page simultaneously? I think I can but unsure of how to approach it.
- Is there a better way of accomplishing this?
Thanks for any insights and suggestion you may have!