Is there support for type object for block attributes??


2 Answers 2


Yes, there is. It will be like this:

spacing: {
    type: 'object',
    default: {
        margin: {
            global: { ...DIRECTIONS },
            tablet: { ...DIRECTIONS },
            desktop: { ...DIRECTIONS },
            unit: 'px',
            size: 0,
            sync: false,
            syncTablet: false,
            syncDesktop: false
        padding: {
            global: { ...DIRECTIONS },
            tablet: { ...DIRECTIONS },
            desktop: { ...DIRECTIONS },
            unit: 'px',
            size: 0,
            syncGlobal: false,
            syncTablet: false,
            syncDesktop: false

There is.

Here are all types: The type field MUST be one of the following:

null, boolean, object, array, string, integer, number (same as integer)

Source: https://developer.wordpress.../block-attributes/

if you need the default value, recreat a object structure with accossitave arrays. In console it will be parsed as a object,. Note if for some reaso is shown as string somthing is wronf in formating of defalut value.

Example usage:

On PHP side (in register_block_type method)

    'attributes' => [
        'mediaDimensions' => [
            'type' => 'object',
            'default' => ['width' => '300px', 'height' => '200px']

On JS (vanila) side:

const [mediaDimensions, setMediaDimensions] = useState(attributes.mediaDimensions);
    value: attributes.mediaDimensions.width,
    onChange: (newWidthNumber) => {
         setMediaDimensions({ ...mediaDimensions, width: newWidthNumber});)

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