Some notes
You may notice that the login_init
hook puts the code immediately under the body tag, and the login_header
code is inserted later. Other tags are described in the documentation, here:
- Actions in the head of the document: login_enqueue_scripts, login_head.
- Filters in the body: login_headerurl, login_headertitle, login_message, login_errors.
- Actions at the bottom of and below the form: login_form, login_footer.
The Code:
// define the login_init callback
function action_login_init( $array ) { ?>
<h1 class='even-above-login_header'>hi</h1>
<?php };
// add the action
add_action( 'login_init', 'action_login_init', 10, 1 );
The Result:
<h1 class="even-above-login_header">hi</h1>
<!-- etc -->