I'm trying to create a loop to read all the meta_value records from a given post_id. The idea is to gather all the meta_value's data from wp_postmeta table related to post_id number and print them as a list. But so far, I couldn't make this work. The issue is my 'custom_fields' variable. There I need to put my meta_key. But I have several meta_key per post_id. For example, the post_id 2171 has data2,date3,data4,data5.. data19 as meta_key. So, how can I get this working?
function jb_applicant() {
global $wpdb;
$custom_fields = get_post_custom(2171); //2171 is the post_id that I'm trying to gather the data from
$my_custom_field = $custom_fields['data2'];
$op = '';
foreach ( $my_custom_field as $key => $value ) {
$op .= $key . " => " . $value . "<br />";
return $op;
add_shortcode('applicant', 'jb_applicant');