I am using a child theme and trying to call custom JS from /child-theme/js/custom.js
In my function file I have:
function myprefix_enqueue_scripts() {
wp_enqueue_script( 'my-script', get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . '/js/custom.js', array(), true );
add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'myprefix_enqueue_scripts' );
In Javascript I have:
$( document ).ready(function() {
alert( "Here's your javascript!" );
var textID = document.getElementById("logo.no-image"); // go and take the Text from the ID
var text = textID.innerHTML; // Take the text from the
var toChange = text.split(""); // Separrate each letter into array
var newText = ""; // buffer text
var aClassName = ["red", "green", "blue"]; // class name that you want
var colorNumber = 0; // counter to loop into your class
for (var i=0, ii=toChange.length; i<ii; i++){
if(colorNumber == aClassName.length){ // if you reach the end of your class array
colorNumber = 0; //Set it back to 0
// Add between each letter the span with your class
newText += "<span class="+aClassName[colorNumber]+">"+toChange[i]+"<\/span>";
// Output your text into the web
textID.innerHTML = newText;
I included the alert to test whether or not the script is being loaded