I've set up a bunch of additional image sizes in my functions.php theme file, with the crop parameter set to true. However, the images are resized but not cropped.
if (function_exists('add_image_size')) {
add_image_size('frontpage_a-la-une_thumb', 400, 215, true);
add_image_size('single_thumb', 320, 9999, false);
add_image_size('category_a-la-une_thumb', 280, 215, true);
add_image_size('xxs-square-thumb', 60, 60, true);
add_image_size('xs-square-thumb', 70, 70, true);
add_image_size('s-square-thumb', 98, 98, true);
add_image_size('square-thumb', 130, 130, true);
add_image_size('l-square-thumb', 198, 198, true);
add_image_size('landscape-thumb', 150, 98, true);
add_image_size('portrait-thumb', 98, 145, true);
The GD library is installed, so is imageMagick, but no dice.
What am i missing?
UPDATE: Problem arises with images that are smaller than the set image size: i was expecting WP to create image versions by scaling them up, but it doesn't. So, my bad, sorry for getting that point wrong.