Similair to custom-header with register_default_headers() in version 4.5 and above.
1 Answer
No, there isn't.
Given that a logo is typically unique for each site and brand, it doesn't really make much sense to offer a default logo, except as a placeholder.
If you want to have a default logo as a placeholder in your theme, then in the template you could check if a custom value is set, and if not, display your own logo:
if ( get_custom_logo() ) {
} else {
'<a href="%1$s" class="custom-logo-link" rel="home" itemprop="url"><img src="%2$s" class="custom-logo" itemprop="logo" alt="%3$s"></a>',
esc_url( home_url( '/' ) ),
esc_url( get_theme_file_uri( 'images/default-logo.png' ) ),
get_bloginfo( 'name', 'display' )
The markup in this example will match the markup output of the_custom_logo()
. The logo itself would be default-logo.png
in the images/
directory of your theme.