When trying to edit a wordpress post (page) the editor loads indefinitely, console shows JS error with post.php / polyfill, see code below. To me it seems to be a typo and I have no idea where the line is injected so I could change it manually.
Disabling all plugins did not change anything, neither did disabling Gutenberg. I am not much of a coder, nevertheless it seems to me there should not be a double quotation mark after the last 'defer"... in the line of code.
I am running WP 5.0.2 on Apache (Domainfactory) in a managed server environment, Theme is Enfold by Kriesi. Re-installing Wordpress and the theme (copied from working installations) changed nothing so far.
The reported error in the console is "Uncaught SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list" in https://.../wp-admin/post.php?post=23&action=edit&lang=de&classic-editor=1:238
There it says
( 'fetch' in window ) || document.write( '<script src="https://12345678-123.ch/wp-includes/js/dist/vendor/wp-polyfill-fetch.min.js?ver=3.0.0' defer='defer"></scr' + 'ipt>' );( document.contains ) || document.write( '<script src="https://12345678-123.ch/wp-includes/js/dist/vendor/wp-polyfill-node-contains.min.js?ver=3.26.0-0' defer='defer"></scr' + 'ipt>' );( window.FormData && window.FormData.prototype.keys ) || document.write( '<script src="https://12345678-123.ch/wp-includes/js/dist/vendor/wp-polyfill-formdata.min.js?ver=3.0.12' defer='defer"></scr' + 'ipt>' );( Element.prototype.matches && Element.prototype.closest ) || document.write( '<script src="https://12345678-123.ch/wp-includes/js/dist/vendor/wp-polyfill-element-closest.min.js?ver=2.0.2' defer='defer"></scr' + 'ipt>' );
Any idea would be much appreciated.