I want to check for an appropriate template in the theme folder before falling back to the file in my plugin directory. Here’s my code:
add_filter('template_include', 'sermon_template_include'); function sermon_template_include($template) { if(get_query_var('post_type') == 'wpfc_sermon') { if ( is_archive() || is_search() ) : if(file_exists(TEMPLATEDIR . '/archive-wpfc_sermon.php')) return TEMPLATEDIR . '/archive-wpfc_sermon.php'; return dirname(__FILE__) . '/views/archive-wpfc_sermon.php'; else : if(file_exists(TEMPLATEDIR . '/single-wpfc_sermon.php')) return TEMPLATEDIR . '/single-wpfc_sermon.php'; return dirname(__FILE__) . '/views/single-wpfc_sermon.php'; endif; } return $template; }
Problem is, it doesn’t work! :-) It always picks the file in my plugin folder. Any idea what to do? I’ve tried alot of variations but I can’t seem to get anything to work! Thanks in advance! Jack
I'm expecting the archive-wpfc_sermon.php to be returned from the theme folder if it exists. However, the file from my plugin always gets returned. Thanks for your help! This is from my Sermon Manager plugin available in the repository.