I want to update an option, but instead of replacing the old value with the new one, Ì want to add new value to existing one. So the new value should be $oldvalue + $newvalue. I read about pre_update_option filter, but haven't understand how to do what I need.

1 Answer 1


Use update_option() in conjunction with get_option():

$old_option = get_option('blogdescription');
$new_option = 'My new blog description';
$new_option .= $old_option; // This is the same as $new_option = $new_option . $old_option;
update_option('blogdescription', $new_option);

If they are integers, obviously use something like $new_option += $old_option.

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    Commented Oct 2, 2018 at 12:15

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