I need to capture the current page id, execute some conditional script in footer, in my own plugin function hooks to wp_footer
Here is my plugin code, but page id returning wrong value?
Plugin Name: My Plugin
Author: GS
Version: 1.1
Function footer_page_id()
global $post;
echo '<div> page_id:'.$post->ID.'</div>';// output wrong value
global $wp_query;
echo 'page_id:'.get_the_ID();// output wrong value
echo 'post_id:'.$wp_query->post->ID; // output wrong value
echo 'page_id:'.$wp_query->get_queried_object_id(); // output always 0
add_action('wp_footer', ' footer_page_id ');
Thanks in advance.
— try this: addwp_reset_query();
after theglobal $post;