I have a custom post type of portfolio (slug portfolio) in my theme and all is working well except one thing. When people create a page with a slug of portfolio, eg: example.com/portfolio, the theme thinks I'm wanting to use the custom post type archive page, not my page created in the editor.
Can I somehow "reserve" the slug portfolio when pages are saved to be sure it never gets used, maybe renamed to portfolio-page?
My project uses the methods outlined in this tutorial, here's the conflict I'm referring to:
"Beyond having to patch the code there is one other catch here in that you can’t call your Page slug the same thing as your custom post type slug. Think of your custom post type slug as a reserved keyword; however, you can make the title of your Page the same name as your custom post type slug just as long as your Page slug is something different." - http://wp.tutsplus.com/tutorials/custom-post-type-pagination-chaining-method/
Thanks for any advice!