How to add post titles with new titles via sql? example post title now "beddu". i want to adding/ change "Add beddu" thank before


1 Answer 1


The first thing you want to do will be find the post you want to modify. To find the post named "beddu" which post_type is post, you can excute this query:

FROM wp_posts
WHERE post_type = 'post'
  AND post_title = 'beddu';

After you test and find the condition is correct. Move to update part.

UPDATE wp_posts
SET post_title = 'Add beddu'
WHERE post_type = 'post'
  AND post_title = 'beddu';

Remember to change wp_posts to your corresponding table name.

  • Thanks for U attention... How do I change that for all post titles. Add titles at the beginning. Because my post title name is not just "beddu" Commented Sep 24, 2018 at 9:13
  • For all posts, you just need to remove AND post_title = 'beddu' from the SQL command
    – Tung Du
    Commented Sep 26, 2018 at 2:56
  • Be sure to always backup your database.
    – Tung Du
    Commented Sep 26, 2018 at 2:56

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