I've been working on a similar problem, so found a possible solution.
The issue is the 'inline' images, as opposed to images that are attachments (like a gallery), is that there is no filter for the_content()
that deals specifically with the images tag. (At least, I haven't found it yet.)
So, you need to use some regex to search the_content()
for the image tag, and get each image into an array, then you can loop through the image array as you need.
I found this code here: https://gist.github.com/jlord/3680879 . I have not tested it, but it may give you a start:
// get the content from the post
$posttext = $post->post_content;
// next line added to process any shortcodes in the content string
$posttext = do_shortcode($posttext);
// make a variable for the string you're looking to find in all of the content
$regex = '~<img [^\>]*\ />~';
// find the first things inside of the second thing and put them inside of the third thing
preg_match_all($regex, $posttext, $images);
// redefine posttext as itself minus all the things you found
$posttext = preg_replace($regex, '', $posttext);
// now posttext has no images, and $images is an array of image tags
// have fun, o lord of jellies ?> <!-- this part is from issac -->
<div id="thePostText">
// now spit out all the text
echo $posttext; ?>
<div id='thePostImages'>
// for each image, wrap it in the p tags and spit it out
foreach ( $images[0] as $image ) {
echo '<p class="aPostImage">' . $image . '</p>'; } ?>
You would place this code in a template, inside The Loop. Then use that template for the post output.
I'd be interested if this helps. It may save you a couple of hours on the googles, which is how I found it.
Since the $posttext = $post->post_content;
is not using the_content()
(which also processes shortcodes), then shortcodes in the post content may not be processed. In particular, the [gallery]
shortcode is not processed. I suspect other shortcodes are also not processed.
So I added an additional line to the above code:
$posttext = do_shortcode($posttext);
to get shortcodes processed in the content string.
The above code doesn't necessarily allow you to hook into the output of gallery images. So I found this code here, which can be used as a starting point: How to get post attachments in gallery post format template
if ( get_post_gallery() ) :
$gallery = get_post_gallery( get_the_ID(), false );
/* Loop through all the image and output them one by one */
foreach( $gallery['src'] as $src ) : ?>
<li> <img src="<?php echo $src; ?>" class="gallery-slider" alt="Gallery image" /> </li>
Note that all of the above are code snippets, not an end-to-end solution. But they may be helpful to put together a solution that meets your needs.