I am trying to get the page title to show up inside various h1, h2 and p tags that i have part of the page template - so that when the template is applied to a page it will make the current page's page title appear wherever I add a shortcode or whatever is needed to pull the page title. When I add the following i am getting a blank...
Here's what I mean: I want "Find the best " to basically pull the page title so that if the title is video games it will display as "Find the best video games"
<h1 class="btx-heading-text btx-secondary-font btx-s-text-color btx-s-
text-border" style="padding-right:25%; padding-bottom:5%; letter-
spacing:-2px;"><span style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);">Find the best
</span><span style="color: rgb(126, 131, 142);"><?php get_the_title() ?
Currently, I only get the following "Find the best"