I am using is_user_logged_in()
after a user has logged in to woocommerce (the page is a replacement for the user's woocommerce dash). This returns false, though if I reload the page it returns true.
1 Answer
I faced a similiar problem that user seemed to be logged out after getting redirected after login. After refreshing the page or navigating to another page user would be logged in.
A comment I saw here, Logging in redirects to correct page but shows logged out content until forced refresh, helped me to solve the problem.
I used add_query_arg to add a dummy parameter to bust browser cache, which I think was the root problem. I placed the following code inside my redirection function's conditions check,
$redirect = add_query_arg( 'redirect', time(), home_url() );
wp_redirect( $redirect );
Of course the key and the value can be anything.