My blogpage [is_home()] is located at /blog. My static page [is_frontpage()] is not the blogpage and located to /about-us.
For users not logged in, the startpage is the static page. For users logged in, the startpage is the blogpage.
So far so good. But I want to restrict not logged-in users from the content of the blogpage. If a user is not logged in, he has always access to the blogpage by using the link
I tried the following code:
add_action ( 'template_redirect', 'redirect_my_homepage' );
function redirect_my_homepage(){
if ( is_home() && !is_user_logged_in() ) {
wp_redirect('') ;
But this prevents users from logging in, as a logged-in user will automatically be redirected to the blogpage -> the code will redirect users back to the static page and prevent the login.
So, I am looking for a piece of code to prevent access to the blog-page for not logged-in users.