I'm trying to manually display the link of a custom taxonomy term that I have created. The taxonomy is 'event-themes' and the term is 'Boat'. Here's my code:

<?php $themeOne = array(
            'tax_query' => array(
                    'taxonomy' => 'event-themes',
                    'field' => 'slug',
                    'terms' => 'boat-theme'
        <li><a href=""><img src="<?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/images/eventSearch/theme-onFoot.png" /><span><?php echo $themeOne; ?></span></a></li>

I'm not very familiar with PHP so I guess I'm probably missing something very obvious here, but my main aim is to simply 'handpick' the taxonomy term I want, and display a link to the page displaying all posts/pages under it.


2 Answers 2


In your code you are just storing an "array" in the variable $themeOne. The code you should be using to make the query is:

$themeOne = new WP_Query(array(
'tax_query' => array(
        'taxonomy' => 'event-themes',
        'terms' => 'boat-theme'

The result should be an array of objects. You can then access these using the following code:

foreach($themeOne as $term){
    print $term->slug;

You are mixing functions. The tax query array is intented to modify the query that affect the loop. To just manually print the term link you can do:

<li><a href=""><img src="<?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/images/eventSearch/theme-onFoot.png" /><span><?php echo get_bloginfo('url').'/event-themes/boat-theme'; ?></span></a></li>

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