have this situation. i'm building a WordPress site to sell some products. The thing is that the price of the products is stored as meta value, but the product price can be in difference currency. Now the problem is that I have to make a price filter for all product no matter in what currency is the price, the filter currency is configured in the background, and the the product that didn't have it's price in that currency have to be filter by the currency exchange tax, but i really don´t know how to build a meta_query were i can filter by currency equivalent price.
For example, I have this 2 products:
Product 1 -price:10 -currency: usd
Product 2 - price: 1000 - currency: xxx
the filter is set to use usd and find price between 0 and 10. So for this time the search will return product 1, but the currency conversion from xxx to usd is 500 to 1, the product 2 equivalent price is 2 usd the it have to be included on the search result.
until now this is the part of my code to handle the price filter:
if (
isset($_REQUEST['max_price']) && $_REQUEST['max_price'] &&
isset($_REQUEST['min_price']) && ($_REQUEST['min_price'] || $_REQUEST['min_price'] == 0)
) {
$main_currency = cs_get_option('main_currency');
$ex_currency = array_diff(['xxx', 'usd'], [$main_currency])[1];
$args['meta_query'] [] =
'relation' => 'AND',
'key' => 'price_meta_key',
'value' => array($_REQUEST['min_price'], $_REQUEST['max_price']),
'type' => 'numeric',
'compare' => 'BETWEEN',
'key' => 'product_currency',
'value' => $main_currency,
'compare' => '='
but this only filter the product with the $main_currency currency.