My site loads a bunch of images from the uploads folder, using direct URLs, such as:
I'm trying to figure out a remote script execution issue, and one of the things recommended on is to prevent script execution in the uploads folder, using the .htaccess
# Kill PHP Execution
<Files ~ "\.ph(?:p[345]?|t|tml)$">
deny from all
My site is running on IIS, so to acheive the same result, I removed the PHP handler for the uploads folder and all it's subfolders:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<remove name="php-7.1.7" />
However, if I use the web.config file, loading an image using a direct URL leads to a http 500 error. Consequently, themes don't load properly.
How would I go about preventing PHP script execution in the uploads folder, without breaking static file loading?
Adding <add name="StaticFile" />
below <remove name="php-7.1.7" />
makes no difference.